Hello, I’m Kat!

Founder and designer behind Par Avion Paper.

When it comes to stationery, you can never have too much. I’ve always found having beautiful notes and paper makes the most boring tasks exciting, particularly when it comes to the planning stage.

I’ve had pen pals ever since we were encouraged in French class to write to friends abroad so writing letters was nothing new. However, in 2020 there was a desperate need for connection that wasn’t through a screen. So, I began writing to even more friends, family and even strangers, in the hopes of lifting their spirits.

It soon became clear that stationery designs were limited. So, I started designing my own paper and created styles that suited my personality, my age and my desire for things to be beautifully simplistic. I also made my own to do lists so that I felt more inspired, in control and even creative on the days that felt more overwhelming than others.

I knew I wouldn’t be the only person who wanted sophisticated stationery and I was right. I have been making people happy with my designs ever since.

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